Yutaro Okawa, Shinichi Iwasaki, Yasuhiko Deguchi, Yoko Nakamichi, Yuki Uesaka, Shohei Okura, Kunio Maekubo, Koki Inoue. Association of worker's mental health with changes in exercise time, going-out time, and screen time (TV time, internet time, and game time) before and after the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Neuropsychopharmacology Reports. 2024
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Nakamichi Yoko, Deguchi Yasuhiko, Iwasaki Shinichi, Okawa Yutaro, Uesaka Yuki, Inoue Koki. 日本人就労者におけるワークライフバランスと気質との関連(Relationship between Work Life Balance and Temperament among Japanese Workers). Osaka City Medical Journal. 2023. 69. 1. 11-19
Iwasaki Shinichi, Deguchi Yasuhiko, Hirota Tomoyuki, Shirahama Yoshiki, Nakamichi Yoko, Okawa Yutaro, Uesaka Yuki, Inoue Koki. 日本の公務員における長期病気欠勤に関する10年間の傾向 2009~2018年(Ten-year trends in long-term sickness absence among Japanese public servants: 2009-2018). Industrial Health. 2023. 61. 1. 068-077
Kadowaki Aya, Iwasaki Shinichi, Deguchi Yasuhiko, Mitake Tomoe, Okuda Yukako, Niki Akihiro, Hirota Tomoyuki, Shirahama Yoshiki, Nakamichi Yoko, Inoue Koki. Somatic Symptoms as Stress Responses among Japanese Workers Measured by the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire(和訳中). Osaka City Medical Journal. 2022. 68. 1. 11-18