J-GLOBAL ID:201801018419991257   更新日: 2022年09月25日

北村 健一郎

キタムラ ケンイチロウ | Kenichiro Kitamura
職名: 教授
ホームページURL (1件): http://yamanashi-3nai.com/
論文 (11件):
  • An anti-deoxyhypusine synthase antibody as a marker of atherosclerosis-related cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, and chronic kidney disease. Journal of Molecular Biomarkers & Diagnosis. 2017. 8. 6. 361
  • Identification of serum anti-GADD34 antibody as a common marker of diabetes mellitus and Parkinson disease. Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism. 2017. 7. 4. 358
  • Serum SH3BP5-specific antibody level is a biomarker of atherosclerosis. Immunome Research. 2017. 13. 2. 132
  • An anti-deoxyhypusine synthase antibody as a marker of atherosclerosis-related cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, and chronic kidney disease. SM Atherosclerosis Journal. 2017. 1. 1. 1001
  • Furuya, F, Ishii, T, Tamura, S, Takahashi, K, Kobayashi, H, Ichijo, M, Takizawa, S, Kaneshige, M, Suzuki-Inoue, K, Kitamura, K. The ligand-bound thyroid hormone receptor in macrophages ameliorates kidney injury via inhibition of nuclear factor-κB activities. Scientific Reports. 2017. 7. 43960
特許 (1件):
  • プロスタシン部分ペプチド及び抗プロスタシン抗体
講演・口頭発表等 (20件):
  • Musculoskeletal manifestations with microscopic polyangitis
    (ISN Frontiers meeting 2018)
  • Successful treatment of thrombotic microangiopathy due to ANCA-associated vasculitis
    (ISN Frontiers meeting 2018)
  • Hypokalemic myopathy induced by distal renal tubular acidosis associated with Sjogren's syndrome
    (ISN Frontiers meeting 2018)
  • A case of nephrotic syndrome associated with alcoholic liver cirrhosis
    (ISN Frontiers meeting 2018)
  • Successful treatment of membranous nephropathy in a patient with mixed connective tissue disease by combination therapy with tacrolimus and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy
    (ISN Frontiers meeting 2018)
学歴 (3件):
  • 1995 - 1997 熊本大学 医学研究科 内科学専攻
  • 1992 - 1994 東京医科歯科大学 医学研究科 内科学専攻
  • 1984 - 1990 東京医科歯科大学 医学部 医学科
学位 (1件):
  • 博士(医学) (熊本大学)
受賞 (1件):
  • 2007/05/25 - 日本腎臓学会 日本腎臓学会大島賞
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