J-GLOBAL ID:201801019072899505   更新日: 2023年06月07日

登田 隆

競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2016 - 2021 微小管構築に必須な進化上保存された新規経路の空間・時間的制御機構
論文 (19件):
  • Hwang, Woosang, Toda, Takashi, Yukawa, Masashi. Complementation of fission yeast kinesin-5/Cut7 with human Eg5 provides a versatile platform for screening of anticancer compounds. BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY. 2022. 86. 2. 254-259
  • Akabane, Shintaro, Oue, Naohide, Sekino, Yohei, Asai, Ryuichi, Thang, Pham Quoc, Taniyama, Daiki, Sentani, Kazuhiro, Yukawa, Masashi, Toda, Takashi, Kimura, Ken-ichi, et al. KIFC1 regulates ZWINT to promote tumor progression and spheroid formation in colorectal cancer. PATHOLOGY INTERNATIONAL. 2021. 71. 7. 441-452
  • Yukawa, Masashi, Ohishi, Mitsuki, Yamada, Yusuke, Toda, Takashi. The Putative RNA-Binding Protein Dri1 Promotes the Loading of Kinesin-14/Klp2 to the Mitotic Spindle and Is Sequestered into Heat-Induced Protein Aggregates in Fission Yeast. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2021. 22. 9
  • Yukawa, Masashi, Teratani, Yasuhiro, Toda, Takashi. Escape from mitotic catastrophe by actin-dependent nuclear displacement in fission yeast. ISCIENCE. 2021. 24. 1
  • Yukawa, Teratani,Toda. How essential Kinesin-5 becomes non-essential in fission yeast: force balance and microtubule dynamics matter. Cells. 2020. 9. 5. E1154-E1154
書籍 (2件):
  • 細胞工学
    秀潤社 2016
  • 実権医学
    羊土社 2015
講演・口頭発表等 (4件):
  • Exploring the Molecular Mechanim of Mitotic Progression and Control: The Spindle Microtubule as a key player
  • 酵母を用いた細胞分裂研究のフロンティアー微小管構築制御ー
    (第87回 広島発酵会 2016)
  • Exploring the molecular mechanism of mitotic progression and control: The spindle microtubule as a key player
  • The Molecular Mechanism of Anchoring the Microtubules to the Spindle Pole Body and the Centrosome
    (Protein Trafficking and Intracellular Signaling of Plant and Fungal Cells 2016)
※ J-GLOBALの研究者情報は、researchmapの登録情報に基づき表示しています。 登録・更新については、こちらをご覧ください。
