Shuhei Nakamura, Yusuke Tani, Hiroki Furue. Lifting approach against the SNOVA scheme. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive. 2024. 2024/1374
Shuhei Nakamura. Admissible Parameter Sets and Complexity Estimation of Crossbred Algorithm. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive. 2023. 2023/1687
S. Nakamura, Y. Wang and Y. Ikematsu. A New Analysis of the Kipnis-Shamir Method Solving the MinRank Problem. IEICE Transactions. 2023. E106-A. 3. 203-211
B. Santoso, Y. Ikematsu, S. Nakamura and T. Yasuda. Three-Pass Identification Scheme Based on MinRank Problem with Half Cheating Probability. ISITA 2022, IEEE. 2023
Y. Ikematsu, S. Nakamura and T. Takagi. Recent Progress in the Security Evaluation of Multivariate Public-Key Cryptography. IET Information Security. 2023
Security Analysis via Algebraic Attack Against "A New Encryption Scheme for Multivariate Quadratic System"
(The 7th International Conference on Mathematics and Computing, 2021 2021)