2022 - 2026 Landscape Loading: a study of anticipated change, trust and photomedia literacy in "New Tohoku"
2023 - 2024 An archive of rephotography projects along Tohoku’s recovering coast
2020 - 2024 東京2020オリンピックにおける不確実性の再撮影
2021 - 2022 視覚的方法論におけるグーグルストリートビューの役割の再調査
2019 - 2022 Finding Time: temporality and photomedia literacy as experienced during the "Recovery and Reconstruction Games"
2019 - 2020 Finding Time in a Can: Time Poverty and Photomedia
論文 (14件):
McLeod, Gary Roderick. Confessions of a Crap Visual Researcher. Membrana. 2023. 8. 1. 145-162
McLeod, Gary Roderick. Slow glass: a case for photomedia literacy. Journal of Visual Literacy. 2023. 42. 4. 287-308
McLeod,Gary Roderick. Visual Literacy and Virtual Rephotography. Book of Selected Readings 2021. 2021
McLeod,Gary Roderick. Canning Time: Problematizing Time Poverty with Pinhole Cameras. Tsukuba Global Science Week 2020 (TGSW2020) Art Session - Capacity for Depiction: the role of art and design in science proceedings. 2020. 7-11
Other Days, Other Ways: an introduction to rephotography
(【リフォトグラフィ× 復興する東北沿岸部】オンラインシンポジウムのご案内)
Welcome to Neo-Tohoku: Rephotography and Models of Uncertain Change
(Photomedia 2024)
Yokai in the Machine: reconsidering a gesture of 3D scanning in modelling formative qualities of artwork for the visually impaired
(Helsinki Photomedia 2024)
Between Lay and Me: Navigating representations of change in rephotographing Challengers Japan
(Beyond the Ocean Depths: Revisiting the Challenger Expedition (1872-1876))
Seen being made: the magic in photomedia literacy
(55th Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association: Ways of Seeing)