J-GLOBAL ID:201901001900155508   更新日: 2024年02月01日

小布施 祈恵子

研究分野 (1件): 宗教学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
  • 2021 - 2025 現代マレーシアにおけるムスリムの仏教観と宗教多様性ー宗教研究者の言説を中心に
  • 2018 - 2021 タイ上座仏教海外派遣僧プログラムの布教方針とその英国における実践形態の分析
  • 2014 - 2017 日本イスラム教団の布教活動とその日本イスラーム受容史における位置づけ
論文 (6件):
  • Kieko Obuse. Living compound marginality: Experiences of a Japanese muslim woman. Religions. 2019. 10. 7
  • Obuse Kieko. The Japan Islamic Congress: A Possible Case of an Islamic New Religion in Japan. Journal of Religion in Japan. 2018. 6. 3. 241-263
  • Kieko Obuse. Finding god in Buddhism: A new trend in contemporary buddhist approaches to Islam. Numen. 2015. 62. 4. 408-430
  • Kieko Obuse. What does Bamiyan tell us about Muslim attitudes to Buddhism? Unpacking ‘Buddhist-Muslim conflicts’ in contemporary Asia. Religions of South Asia. 2014. 8. 3. 301-319
  • Kieko OBUSE. From Hinayana to Theravada: Ven. Alubomulle Sumanasara’s Mission to Japan. Journal of International Buddhist Studies. 2013. 4. 2. 150-166
MISC (5件):
  • 小布施祈恵子. 仏教徒とムスリムの相互認識:日本仏教からの視座を中心に. Working Paper No.16-10, Annual Report for Year 2016, BARC Research Center for Buddhist Culture in Asia, Ryukoku University. 2017. 139-153
  • Kieko OBUSE. Book Review: Buddhism and Islam on the Silk Road (2010), Johan Elverskog. The Muslim World. 2014. 104. 1-2. 228-230
  • Kieko OBUSE. From Hinayana to Theravada: Ven. Alubomulle Sumanasara’s Mission to Japan. The Document of the 4th International Buddhist Research Seminar (Bangkok: Buddhist Research Institute, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University). 2012. 89-98
  • 小布施 祈恵子. 仏教徒が語るアッラー : 教義の壁への挑戦(第五部会,<特集>第七十回学術大会紀要). 宗教研究. 2012. 85. 4. 1139-1140
  • Mahinda DEEGALLE, Kieko OBUSE. Buddhism in the Life and Philosophy of Kazuo Inamori: Formative Influences of a Contemporary Japanese EntrepreneurBuddhism in the Life and Philosophy of Kazuo Inamori: Formative Influences of a Contemporary Japanese Entrepreneur. Buddhist Virtues in Socio-Economic Development, The 8th Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations, 12-14 May 2554/2011 8Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University). 2011. 38-50
書籍 (5件):
  • クルアーン入門
    作品社 2018 ISBN:9784861826993
  • Asian American Religious Cultures, eds. Fumitaka Matsuoka, Edmond Yee, Ronald Y. Nakasone, and Jonathan Lee
    ABC-CLIO 2015
  • Oxford Bibliographies in Islamic Studies, ed. Andrew Rippin
    Oxford University Press 2015
  • Ethnic Conflict in Buddhist Societies in South and Southeast Asia: The Politics behind Religious Rivalries, ed. K. M. de Silva
    Vijitha Yapa 2015
  • ASEAN Religious Pluralism: The Challenges of Building a Socio-Cultural Community, ed. Imtiyaz Yusuf
    Konrad Adenauer Stiftung 2014
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