Exploration of biomarkers to predict the effects of anti TSLP antibody (Tezepelumab) in refractory asthma patients using comprehensive analyses of changes in gene expression in whole blood cells
Gene expression profiling of whole blood cells that predicts response to treatment for pulmonary MAC disease.
Masashi Matsuyama. Research to elucidate the pathogenesis of pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) disease from host gene responses - Memorial Lecture by the Imamura Award Winner-. Kekkaku. 2025. 100. 1. 5-12
Chapter 2, Immunology: How Does the Immune System Affect the Development of Pulmonary TB? How Does an Understanding of TB Immunology Help Clinicians Manage their Patients with Pulmonary TB? ; Takefumi Saito, Masahiro Narita, Charles L. Daley Editors; Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Its Prevention, Respiratory Disease Series: Diagnostic Tools and Disease Managements, p33-p58 , Springer, 2022 ISBN 978-981-19-3994-5 ISBN 978-981-19-3995-2 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3995-2; 2022
2022 ISBN:9789811939952
気管支拡張症の疫学「気管支拡張症 UP to DATE」: 21-24
森本耕三,長谷川直樹編集、南江堂 2022