Shuhei Kodama, Reo Yabuuchi, Wataru Natsu. Cu microprecipitation with electrolysis assisted short-pulsed laser irradiation in CuSO4 solution. Proceedings of 18th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology 2022 (INSECT 2022). 2022
Koharu Horikawa, Shuhei Kodama, Wataru Natsu, Kazuyoshi Oota. Effect of permeable mold and recovery of air-permeability of porous insert by electrochemical machining. Proceedings of 18th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology 2022 (INSECT 2022). 2022
Takahiro Inadama, Shuhei Kodama, Wataru Natsu. Study on machining characteristics of titanium alloys in scanning ECM with electrolyte suction tool. Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering. 2022
Reo Yabuuchi, Shuhei Kodama, Godai Miyaji, Wataru Natsu. Local copper precipitation with ultrashort-pulsed laser ablation in copper sulfate solution. Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering. 2022
Kazuna Otani, Masako Sakamoto, Shuhei Kodama, Wataru Natsu. Effect of tip shape of pipe electrode on accuracy in electrochemical machining of deep cooling holes. Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering. 2022
小玉 脩平, 夏 恒. 超短パルスレーザ複合加工によるマルチスケール構造の創成と表面改質-Multi-Scale Texturing and Surface Modification by Hybrid Ultrashort-Pulsed Laser Processing-特集 レーザによる表面改質とそのトライボロジー応用. トライボロジスト = Journal of Japanese Society of Tribologists / 日本トライボロジー学会 編. 2023. 68. 1. 15-20
Nanostructure generation and metal deposition by short-pulsed laser ablation in electrolyte
(The 6th International Symposium on Micro/Nano Mechanical Machining and Manufacturing 2021)
Effects of Pulse Duration and Heat on Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures
(International Conference on Laser Materials Processing 2021 2020)
Fabrication of micro/nano structures by hybrid process with short-pulsed laser and machining
(International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing 2020 2019)
2022/03 - 精密工学会 精密工学会沼田記念論文賞 Control of short-pulsed laser induced periodic surface structures with machining -picosecond laser nanotexturing with magnetic abrasive finishing-
2021/05 - 公益財団法人マザック財団 優秀論文賞 Control of short-pulsed laser induced periodic surface structures with machining -picosecond laser nanotexturing with magnetic abrasive finishing-