Alex Lushikanda Kabwe, Masahiro Hyodo, Hidehiko Ogata, Yoshihiro Sagawa, Yoshinao Adachi, Masayuki Ishii. The Factors Affecting Stability and Durability of Flow Diversion Simple Weirs in Muchinga Province of Zambia. Water. 2024. 16. 13. 1852-1852
Haruka Ikadatsu, Hidehiko Ogata, Masahiro Hyodo, Akio Ishigami. Thermal stress analysis of cracks around the joints of the side wall of cast-in-place reinforced concrete open channels. Paddy and Water Environment. 2024
Ogata Hidehiko, Otsuka Momona, Hyodo Masahiro, Ikadatsu Haruka. Effects of Lime-Based Expansion Material and Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Air-Void Blockage in Concrete. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2023. 21. 12. 1008-1019
ALEX LUSHIKANDA KABWE, MASAHIRO HYODO, HIDEHIKO OGATA, YOSHIHIRO SAGAWA, YOSHINAO ADACHI, MASAYUKI ISHII. Simple Weir Types and Their Prospects for Small-Scale Irrigation Development in Northern Zambia. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development. 2023. 14. 1. 1-8
Alex Lushikanda Kabwe, Masahiro Hyodo, Hidehiko Ogata, Yoshihiro Sagawa, Yoshinao Adachi, Masayuki Ishii. Diagnostic Assessment in the Wet and Dry Seasons of Simple Weirs Constructed by Small-Scale Farmers in the Northern Region Provinces of Zambia. Water. 2023. 15. 22. 3935-3935