Yining He, Shinichiro Hirabayashi, Shigeru Tabeta, Yuuki Yamashita, Motoko Imai. Experimental Study of Free-Surface Profiles of an Aircushion-Type Floating Platform with a Moonpool. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2024. 465. 331-347
Yuya Higuchi, Hidetaka Houtani, Rodolfo Trentin Gonçalves, Yasuo Yoshimura, Shinichiro Hirabayashi, Hideyuki Suzuki, Hideo Orihara. Stereo Reconstruction Method for 3D Surface Wave Fields Around a Floating Body Using a Marker Net in a Wave Tank. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2023. 11. 9. 1-21
André L.C. Fujarra, Fredi Cenci, Leandro S.P. Silva, Shinichiro Hirabayashi, Hideyuki Suzuki, Rodolfo T. Gonçalves. Effect of initial roll or pitch angles on the vortex-induced motions (VIM) of floating circular cylinders with a low aspect ratio. Ocean Engineering. 2022. 257
Rodolfo T. Gonçalves, Edgard B. Malta, Alexandre N. Simos, Shinichiro Hirabayashi, Hideyuki Suzuki. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY of the EFFECT of HEAVE PLATE DIMENSIONS on the FLOWINDUCED MOTIONS (FIM) of A MULTI-COLUMN FLOATING OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE (FOWT). Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. 2022. 8
Yining He, Shinichiro Hirabayashi, Shigeru Tabeta, Toshio Nakajima, Yoshihiko Yamashita, Yuuki Yamashita, Motoko Imai. HYDRODYNAMIC MOTION BEHAVIOR of AIR-CUSHION-SUPPORTED HEXAGONAL FLOATING PLATFORM for OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE. Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. 2022. 1
Ayako Fukumoto, Toru Sato, Shinichiro Hirabayashi, Paul Brumby, Fumio Kiyono, Takac Ebinuma, Hideo Narita. Microscale modelling of formation of methane hydrate in porous media. Proceedings of the Annual Offshore Technology Conference. 2010. 3. 1994-1998
Shinichiro Hirabayashi, Toru Sato. Stability dependency of vertical turbulent diffusivity of passive and active scalars in stationary and homogeneous stratified turbulence. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. 2010. 1. 1116-1122
Muneyasu Harata, Toru Sato, Shinichiro Hirabayashi, Koichi Goto. Numerical simulation of dispersion of volcanic CO2 seeped from seafloor by using multi-scale ocean model. OCEANS'10 IEEE Sydney, OCEANSSYD 2010. 2010