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Exploring mothers’ experiences in accessing primary health service facilities in Indonesia
(The 8th World Academy of Nursing Science Congress (WANS) in conjunction with The 5th International Conference of the Indonesian National Nurses Association (ICINNA) 2024)
Support Needs Among Parents Of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders In Indonesia
(The 8th World Academy of Nursing Science Congress (WANS) in conjunction with The 5th International Conference of the Indonesian National Nurses Association (ICINNA) 2024)
Perceptions Of Schoolchildren’s Health Education Among Puskesmas Nurses: Qualitative Study In Indonesia
(The 8th World Academy of Nursing Science Congress (WANS) in conjunction with The 5th International Conference of the Indonesian National Nurses Association (ICINNA) 2024)
Urgency of developing and socializing a program among healthcare professionals in Indonesia on autism spectrum disorders and attachment to reduce misinformation and maltreatment
(The Joint Congress on Global Health 2023 Secretariat, the 38th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for International Health and Medicine 2023)