J-GLOBAL ID:201901015865361613
更新日: 2024年01月17日 ロバート クリッツァー
Kritzer Robert
所属機関・部署: 研究キーワード (5件):
, garbhāvakrāntisūtra
, Saddharmasmṛtyupasthānasūtra
, yogācāra
, Vasubandhu
論文 (4件): -
ロバート クリッツァー. Vasubandhu. Brill Encyclopedia of Buddhism. 2019. 2. 492-506
ロバート クリッツァー. “‘Women Who Know about That’: Midwives and Wise Women in Buddhist Literature.". Contemporary Buddhist Women: Contemplation, Cultural Exchange, and Social Action. 2018. 83-86
ロバート クリッツァー. “Aśubhabhāvanā in Vibhāṣā and Śrāvakabhūmi,. Nombre. 2017. 27-80
ロバート クリッツァー. “Affliction and Infestation in an Indian Buddhist Embryological Sutra,”. Scripture:Canon::Text:Context: Essays Honoring Lewis R. Lancaster. 2014. 181-202
書籍 (3件): - Garbhāvakrāntisūtra: The Sūtra on Entry into the Womb. Garbhāvakrāntisūtra: The Sūtra on Entry into the Womb.
International Institute for Buddhist Studies 2014
- Vasubandhu and the Yogācārabhūmi: Yogācāra Elements in the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya
International Institute for Buddhist Studies 2005
- Rebirth and Causation in the Yogācāra Abhidharma.
Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien 1999
学歴 (4件): - 1977 - 1995 University of California, Berkeley Graduate Division Buddhist Studies
- 1976 - 1978 University of California, Berkeley Graduate Division South and Southeast Asian Studies (Sanskrit)
- 1974 - 1975 University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Library Science Library science
- 1968 - 1974 University of California, Berkeley South and Southeast Asian Studies Sanskrit
経歴 (5件): - 2005/04 - 現在 Kyoto Notre Dame University Department of English Language and Literature professor
- 2016/04 - 2018/03 Ryukoku University Graduate school part-time lecturer
- 2008/04 - 2009/03 Kyoto University Bungaku-bu part-time lecturer
- 2006/01 - 2006/03 McGill University Department of Religion Numata visiting professor
- 1996/04 - 2005/03 Kyoto Notre Dame University Department of English Language and Literature associate professor