2019 - 2021 A New Approach to Measuring Political and Social Polarisation in Developed Nations
論文 (16件):
Sebastian Jungkunz, Robert A Fahey, Airo Hino. Populist Attitudes, Conspiracy Beliefs and the Justification of Political Violence at the US 2020 Elections. Political Studies. 2024
AIRO HINO, HIROKI OGAWA, ROBERT A. FAHEY, LING LIU. Japan: Political Developments and Data in 2023: Financial Scandals Hasten the Ruling Party's Polling Decline. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook. 2024
AIRO HINO, HIROKI OGAWA, ROBERT A. FAHEY, LING LIU. Japan: Political Developments and Data in 2022. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook. 2023
Robert Fahey. Social Media in the 2021 Election Campaign. Japan Decides 2021. 2023
From conspiracy theory movement to challenger party: why the case of Japan’s Sanseito isn’t more widely replicated
(ヨーロッパ政治学会(ECPR)2024年研究大会 2024)
Agenda-Setting Dynamics Revisited in Social Media: Evidence of “Public Agenda-Setting” from Japan
(International Political Science Association World Congress 2023)
Structure and Identity in an Online Conspiracy Theory Community: Real-Time Conspiracy Narrative Formation in Japan following the Assassination of Abe Shinzō
(Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Annual Conference 2023)