J-GLOBAL ID:201901017169434366   更新日: 2024年05月04日

Epron Daniel

Epron Daniel
職名: Professor
研究分野 (1件): 森林科学
研究キーワード (8件): forest ,  ecophysiology ,  biogeochemistry ,  methane ,  carbon allocation ,  carbon cycle ,  phloem ,  stable isotopes
競争的資金等の研究課題 (22件):
  • 2022 - 2026 マダガスカル固有の進化適応から熱帯樹種の乾燥への適応戦略の本質を理解する
  • 2022 - 2025 植物バイオマスを構成する酸素・水素の起源としての葉面吸収水の役割の解明
  • 2022 - 2024 Tree ring isotope composition to inform models assessing the sentitivity of the forest carbon budget to increased atmospheric CO2 and climate change
  • 2021 - 2024 Fertilization effects on atmospheric methane uptake by a rubber tree plantation in Thailand: a direct microbial inhibition or an indirect stimulation by higher tree water use?
  • 2014 - 2017 Understanding the genetic and environmental determinisms of water use efficiency to improve sustainability of tree plantations
論文 (137件):
  • Daniel Epron, Takumi Mochidome, A. T. M. Zinnatul Bassar, Rempei Suwa. Variability in methane emissions from stems and buttress roots of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza trees in a subtropical mangrove forest. ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 2023
  • Shitephen Wang, Daniel Epron, Keito Kobayashi, Satoru Takanashi, Masako Dannoura. Sources of carbon supporting the fast growth of developing immature moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) culms: inference from carbon isotopes and anatomy. AoB PLANTS. 2023
  • 檀浦 正子, 能勢 美峰, 福田 有樹, 三嶋 賢太郎, 松下 通也, 南 尊大, 田邊 智子, Daniel Epron, 小南 裕志, 高梨 聡, et al. 13Cパルスラベリングを用いたスギ2品種の樹体内炭素配分. 日本森林学会大会発表データベース. 2023. 134. 390
  • Nicolas Bras, Caroline Plain, Daniel Epron. Potential soil methane oxidation in naturally regenerated oak-dominated temperate deciduous forest stands responds to soil water status regardless of their age-an intact core incubation study. Annals of Forest Science. 2022. 79. 1
  • Daniel Epron, Takumi Mochidome, Tomoko Tanabe, Masako Dannoura, Ayaka Sakabe. Variability in Stem Methane Emissions and Wood Methane Production of Tree Different Species in a Cold Temperate Mountain Forest. Ecosystems. 2022
MISC (4件):
書籍 (10件):
  • Using 13C to Quantify Phloem Transport on Tall Plants in the Field. In: Phloem; Liesche, J. (ed)
    Springer 2019
  • Adaptation and mitigation in tropical tree plantations. In: Climate change and agriculture worldwide; Torquebiau, Emmanuel (Eds)
    Springer Netherlands 2016 ISBN:9789401774604
  • Carbon allocation: A key component of the carbon cycle in forest ecosystems. In: Towards future earth. Challenges and progress of global environmental studies; Katsumi, Takeshi; Hashimoto, Shizuka (Eds)
    Kaisei Publishing 2016
  • Chapter 8: Separating autotrophic and heterotrophic components of soil respiration: lessons learned from trenching and related root exclusion experiments. In: Soil Carbon Dynamics: an Integrated Methodology; Kutsch, W.; Bahn, M.; Heinemeyer, A. (Eds)
    Cambridge University Press 2009
  • Deciduous forests: carbon and water fluxes, balances and ecophysiological determinants. In: Fluxes of carbon, water and energy of european forests; Valentini, Riccardo (Eds)
    Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2003 ISBN:9783642078484
講演・口頭発表等 (38件):
  • Radial gas diffusion of gas in wood: where does the methane produced in the heartwood of tree trunks go?
    (Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan 2022)
  • Emissions of methane from tree stems in forests: where does methane come from and where does it go?
    (Asiaflux conference 2021)
  • Accounting for the emissions of tree stems in the methane budget of forests: upscaling chamber measurements to the stand
    (Japan Geoscience Union 2021)
  • Emission of methane from the stems of several Japanese tree species: variations between species and individuals, and within individuals
    (Ecological Society of Japan 2021)
  • Methane budget of a temperate forest: the contribution of vegetation
    (Japan Geoscience Union 2020)
学歴 (1件):
  • 1989 - 1993 University Nancy 1 Faculty Sciences and Technologies Doctorate
経歴 (5件):
  • 2003/09 - 2019/03 University of Lorraine Professor
  • 2000/09 - 2003/08 University of Besancon Professor
  • 1994/09 - 2000/08 University of Besancon Associate Professor
  • 1993/10 - 1994/08 University Paris Sud Post-Doc
  • 1991/10 - 1993/09 University of Metz assistant professor
委員歴 (3件):
  • 2000 - 現在 Tree Physiology Journal Associate editor
  • 2010 - 2018 Biodiversity, Forest Management and Public Policies Scientific advisory board
  • 2009 - 2016 Botanical Garden of Nancy Scientific Advisor
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