OMEP Terminology on early childhood (OMEP乳幼児期に関する用語解説集)
教育情報出版 2020
講演・口頭発表等 (14件):
How Can We Improve University Students’ Insight into Children's Perspectives in Early Childhood Teacher Preparation?: A Case Study on Music Activities in the Forest Kindergarten.
(23rd Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association International Conference (PECERA) 2023)
A Lesson Study on Singing Play in Early Childhood Teacher Preparation: Toward the Design of a New Coursework.
(22st Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association International Conference (PECERA) 2022)
Connecting the Early Childhood Teacher Preparation Program with Student Teaching Experiences: Focusing on Music Expression Play.
(22st Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association International Conference (PECERA) 2022)
The Pre-service Teachers' Learning in the Course of Early Childhood Teaching Methods of Music Expression: Through Documentation
(21st Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association International Conference (PECERA) 2021)
What University Students Learn from Examples of Children's Interaction with Sounds: Analysis of Contents and Features of Reports
(21st Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association International Conference (PECERA) 2021)
The Japanese National Committee of OMEP (OMEP日本委員会)
, 日本保育者養成教育学会
, 日本保育学会
, 日本乳幼児教育学会
, 日本乳幼児教育・保育者養成学会
, 日本教科教育学会
, 日本音楽教育学会
, 国際幼児教育学会
, Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA)