J-GLOBAL ID:202001002739256649   更新日: 2024年05月10日

大久保 蔵馬

Okubo Kurama
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 2022 - 2027 大型岩石摩擦実験による2次元破壊伝播機構の解明
  • 2021 - 2024 動的断層破砕が引き起こす局所的な地震動・地殻変動の増幅
論文 (7件):
  • Kurama Okubo, Brent G. Delbridge, Marine A. Denolle. Monitoring Velocity Change Over 20 Years at Parkfield. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2024
  • Shunsuke Takemura, Yohei Hamada, Hanaya Okuda, Yutaro Okada, Kurama Okubo, Takeshi Akuhara, Akemi Noda, Takashi Tonegawa. A review of shallow slow earthquakes along the Nankai Trough. Earth, Planets and Space. 2023
  • Xiaotao Yang, Jared Bryan, Kurama Okubo, Chengxin Jiang, Timothy Clements, Marine A Denolle. Optimal stacking of noise cross-correlation functions. Geophysical Journal International. 2022. 232. 3. 1600-1618
  • 大久保 蔵馬, 山下 太, 福山, 英一. 光ファイバーひずみ計測システムおよび加速度センサを用いた4m大型二軸摩擦実験のひずみ・変位計測. 防災科学技術研究所研究資料. 2022. 469. 1-24
  • Joshua P. Jones, Kurama Okubo, Tim Clements, Marine A. Denolle. SeisIO: A Fast, Efficient Geophysical Data Architecture for the Julia Language. Seismological Research Letters. 2020. 91. 4. 2368-2377
講演・口頭発表等 (14件):
  • Constraining Source Parameters of Seismic Events Generated by Circular Gouge Patches on 4-meter-long Laboratory Fault
    (SSA Annual Meeting 2024 2024)
  • Source mechanism of gouge-mediated foreshocks on a 4-meter-long laboratory fault
    (International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2024, Mexico 2024)
  • Foreshocks Generated by Simulated Gouge Patches on 4-meter-long Laboratory Fault
    (AGU Annual Meeting 2023 2023)
  • 幅広い時空間スケールに渡る断層すべり現象の理解に向けた巨大岩石摩擦試験機の開発
    (日本地震学会2023年度秋季大会 2023)
  • Dynamic earthquake ruptures and its radiations with off-fault fracture network in various spatial resolutions
    (日本地球惑星科学連合2023年大会 2023)
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