J-GLOBAL ID:202001003149911346
更新日: 2024年01月30日 岩佐 充貞
IWASA Mitsusada
研究キーワード (3件):
, 細胞骨格
, アクチン結合蛋白質
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件): - 2022 - 2025 アクチンPi放出のバックドアモデルの検証
論文 (19件): -
Yusuke Kanematsu, Akihiro Narita, Toshiro Oda, Ryotaro Koike, Motonori Ota, Yu Takano, Kei Moritsugu, Ikuko Fujiwara, Kotaro Tanaka, Hideyuki Komatsu, et al. Structures and mechanisms of actin ATP hydrolysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2022. 119. 43. e2122641119
Mitsusada Iwasa, Tomoki Aihara, Kayo Maeda, Akihiro Narita, Yuichiro Maéda, Toshiro Oda. Role of the actin Ala-108-Pro-112 loop in actin polymerization and ATPase activities. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2012. 287. 52. 43270-6
Mitsusada Iwasa, Kayo Maeda, Akihiro Narita, Tomoki Aihara, Yuichiro Maeda, Toshiro Oda. Actin Polymerization Correlates with the Flattening of Actin Molecule. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 2012. 102. 3. 372A-372A
David Popp, Akihiro Narita, Kayo Maeda, Tetsuro Fujisawa, Umesh Ghoshdastider, Mitsusada Iwasa, Yuichiro Maéda, Robert C Robinson. Filament structure, organization, and dynamics in MreB sheets. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2010. 285. 21. 15858-65
David Popp, Mitsusada Iwasa, Harold P Erickson, Akihiro Narita, Yuichiro Maéda, Robert C Robinson. Suprastructures and dynamic properties of Mycobacterium tuberculosis FtsZ. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2010. 285. 15. 11281-9
もっと見る MISC (1件): -
Yuichiro Maeda, Toshiro Oda, Akihiro Narita, Mitsusada Iwasa, Kayo Maeda, Tomoki Aihara. HIGH RESOLUTION STRUCTURE AND BASIC PROPERTIES OF F-ACTIN. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2009. 59. 20-20