Megumi Nonaka, Shuichiro Neshige, Narumi Ono, Hidetada Yamada, Yoshiko Takebayashi, Haruka Ishibashi, Shiro Aoki, Yu Yamazaki, Takeo Shishido, Dai Agari, et al. Clinical manifestations and outcomes associated with a high 2HELPS2B score in patients with acute impaired consciousness. Journal of the neurological sciences. 2024. 465. 123174-123174
Shuichiro Neshige, Shiro Aoki, Narumi Ohno, Megumi Nonaka, Hidetada Yamada, Yoshiko Takebayashi, Haruka Ishibashi, Takeo Shishido, Dai Agari, Yu Yamazaki, et al. Interictal head-turning sign in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy during initial medical interview: A matched multicenter study. Epilepsy & behavior : E&B. 2024. 160. 110039-110039
2023/10 - 日本てんかん学会 JES Prize Sustainable, collaborative EEEG learning with a nationwide webinar
2022/10 - 日本てんかん学会 青木恭規賞(優秀演題賞) Predictive value of neurological signs with critical-care EEG findings for anti-seizure medication response in neurocritical patients: multi center derivation and validation study