Takako Ochi. The role of national parliaments in the EU governance within the early warning mechanism of the Lisbon Treaty: how has the yellow card system impacted the role of national parliaments in the EU decision-making?. 公益学会. 2013. 13. 13. 63-72
Takako Ochi. Matter of community competence? Repatriating EU powers of member states, especially related to the UK. EUIJ Waseda Working Paper. 2012
Beyond COVID-19, the experiences, challenges and opportunities of collaborative online international learning
(FUNiX Global (FPT), Academic Conference Innovation in higher education by leveraging online education 2021)
Opportunities and challenges of building online programmes for universities during COVID-19 pandemic
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European Public Policy (ロンドン大学 University of London)
経歴 (3件):
2022 - 現在 群馬大学 国際センター 准教授
2018 - 2022 群馬大学 国際センター 講師
2014 - 2018 東京農工大学 国際センター(工学部) 特任准教授
受賞 (1件):
2013 - Asia-Pacific EU centre graduate students conference 2013 Best Presentation Award "A matter of community: repatriating EU powers to member states and the domestic administration especially related to the UK"