Takamasa Usami, Yuya Sanada, Shumpei Fujii, Shinya Yamada, Yu Shiratsuchi, Ryoichi Nakatani, Kohei Hamaya. Artificial Control of Giant Converse Magnetoelectric Effect in Spintronic Multiferroic Heterostructure. Advanced Science. 2025
M. Nishioka, M. Yamada, D. Kumar, T. Usami, S. Yamada, S. Mizukami, K. Hamaya. Epitaxial growth of CoFe/Ge stacked structures on a perpendicularly magnetized MnGa alloy. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2025
Avisek Das, Mrinalini, Takamasa Usami, Satya Prakash Pati, Sachio Komori, Tomoyasu Taniyama, Venkataiah Gorige. Variation of Gilbert damping constant via interface induced magnetic anisotropy in LSMO/PMN-PT heterostructures. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2024. 1009. 176866-176866
Shumpei Fujii, Takamasa Usami, Yu Shiratsuchi, Adam M. Kerrigan, Amran Mahfudh Yatmeidhy, Shinya Yamada, Takeshi Kanashima, Ryoichi Nakatani, Vlado K. Lazarov, Tamio Oguchi, et al. Author Correction: Giant converse magnetoelectric effect in a multiferroic heterostructure with polycrystalline Co2FeSi. NPG Asia Materials. 2024. 14. 1. 43
Jun Okabayashi, Takamasa Usami, Amran Mahfudh Yatmeidhy, Yuichi Murakami, Yu Shiratsuchi, Ryoichi Nakatani, Yoshihiro Gohda, Kohei Hamaya. Strain-induced specific orbital control in a Heusler alloy-based interfacial multiferroics. 2024. 16. 1
T. Usami, T. Miyauchi, K. Ichikawa, M. Itoh, T. Taniyama. Transmission of spin waves in ordered FeRh films. Proceeding JW-Visual 2016. 2016. 3
特許 (2件):
講演・口頭発表等 (27件):
Electric-field control of tunnel magnetoresistance ratio in magnetic tunnel junctions with a Co2FeSi/PMN-PT multiferroic heterostructure
(2024年第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2024)
Microscopic Origin of Large Magnetostriction in Galfenol Studied by Operando X-ray Magnetic Spectroscopies
(2024年第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2024)
An epitaxial multiferroic heterostructure composed of Co2FeSi/V/Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3(011)
(MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023 2023)
Giant converse magnetoelectric effect in Co2FeSi/PMN-PT multiferroic heterostructures
(PRICM11 (The 11th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing) 2023)