J-GLOBAL ID:202001010196807243   更新日: 2022年12月19日

Gervais Olivier

ジェルベ オリビエ | Gervais Olivier
職名: 助教
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2018 - 2020 ポリジェニックモデルによる慢性腎臓病・メタボリックシンドローム関連形質ゲノム解析
論文 (13件):
  • Yuki Hitomi, Yoshihiro Aiba, Kazuko Ueno, Nao Nishida, Yosuke Kawai, Minae Kawashima, Michio Yasunami, Olivier Gervais, Masahiro Ito, Heather J. Cordell, et al. rs9459874 and rs1012656 in CCR6/FGFR1OP confer susceptibility to primary biliary cholangitis. Journal of Autoimmunity. 2022. 126. 1-13
  • Heather J. Cordell, James J. Fryett, Kazuko Ueno, Rebecca Darlay, Yoshihiro Aiba, Yuki Hitomi, Minae Kawashima, Nao Nishida, Seik-Soon Khor, Olivier Gervais, et al. An international genome-wide meta-analysis of primary biliary cholangitis: novel risk loci and candidate drugs. Journal of Hepatology. 2021. 75. 3. 572-581
  • Olivier Gervais, Kazuko Ueno, Yosuke Kawai, Yuki Hitomi, Yoshihiro Aiba, Mayumi Ueta, Minoru Nakamura, Katsushi Tokunaga, Masao Nagasaki. Regional heritability mapping identifies several novel loci (STAT4, ULK4, and KCNH5) for primary biliary cholangitis in the Japanese population. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2021. 29. 8. 1282-1291
  • Rosanna Asselta, Elvezia Maria Paraboschi, Alessio Gerussi, Heather J. Cordell, George F. Mells, Richard N. Sandford, David E. Jones, Minoru Nakamura, Kazuko Ueno, Yuki Hitomi, et al. X chromosome contribution to the genetic architecture of primary biliary cholangitis. Gastroenterology. 2021. 160. 7. 2483-2495
  • Yuki Hitomi, Yoshihiro Aiba, Yosuke Kawai, Kaname Kojima, Kazuko Ueno, Nao Nishida, Minae Kawashima, Olivier Gervais, Seik-Soon Khor, Masao Nagasaki, et al. rs1944919 on chromosome 11q23.1 and its effector genes COLCA1/COLCA2 confer susceptibility to primary biliary cholangitis. Scientific Reports. 2021. 11. 4557. 1-11
書籍 (1件):
  • 遺伝子医学36号,特集:Common disease解析の最前線
    メディカルドゥ 2021 ISBN:9784909508126
講演・口頭発表等 (24件):
  • rs1944919 on human chromosome 11q23.1 and its effector genes COLCA1 and COLCA2 confer susceptibility to primary biliary cholangitis
    (2021 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics 2021)
  • Applying the regional heritability mapping method to primary biliary cholangitis in the Japanese population
    (2021 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics 2021)
  • Identification of seven primary functional variants in primary biliary cholangitis susceptibility loci in the Japanese population
    (2021 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Annual Meeting 2021)
  • COLCA1/COLCA2, the effector genes in primary biliary cholangitis susceptibility locus chromosome 11q23.1
    (Japan Society of Human Genetics 65rd Annual Meeting 2020)
  • The analysis of POU2AF1 and its related molecules in the pathogenesis of primary biliary cholangitis by using GWAS and transcriptome datasets
    (2020 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics 2020)
学位 (1件):
  • 博士(情報学) (京都大学)
受賞 (1件):
  • 2016/09 - Young Scientists Award / JSAS Excellent Presentation Award Analysis of realized heritability and other genetic parameters in a long-term selection experiment for non-destructive deformation in White Leghorns
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