矢形勝秀. Dilemmas in teaching heritage language learners: the voice of an L2 Spanish teacher candidate. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 2021. 24. 9. 1392-1404
矢形勝秀. Bildung as an essential disposition in becoming a reflective practitioner: practical application of philosophical hermeneutics to second language teacher education. Reflective Practice. 2018. 19. 3. 322-332
矢形勝秀. A failure of dialogue? a critical reflection on a discussion between a teacher trainer and a pre- service second-language teacher. Reflective Practice. 2017. 18. 3. 326-338
講演・口頭発表等 (7件):
Factors contributing to learner silence and active engagement: A complexity theory perspective
(日本英語教育学会 2024)
How Teachers Respond to Students’ Interaction in Pair Work: A Video-Cued Interpretive Study
(第48回全国英語教育学会 香川研究大会 2023)
An Action Research Project on ClassroomCommunity Building and Learners’ Engagementin English Conversation
(JACET第61回国際大会 2022)
Building a trusting relationship in second language classrooms
(関西英語教育学会 2019)
Teaching heritage learners is out of my comfort zone’: A non-native language teacher candidate’s practicum experience and post-graduation career choices
(アメリカ応用言語学会 2019)