J-GLOBAL ID:202001011620598508
更新日: 2024年11月04日 キム ヒョンド
キム ヒョンド | KIM HYUNG DO
所属機関・部署: 職名:
Assistant Professor
研究分野 (3件):
, 高分子材料
, 電子デバイス、電子機器
研究キーワード (2件):
, Optoelectronics
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件): - 2021 - 2026 π共役分子系における対称性の破れによるオフセットレス電荷生成
- 2022 - 2024 全高分子ブレンド太陽電池の相分離構造と電荷キャリアの二分子再結合
- 2019 - 2021 ブレンド膜における共役高分子の導電特性向上の解明
論文 (27件): -
Satoshi Kamimura, Masahiko Saito, Yoshikazu Teshima, Kodai Yamanaka, Hiroyuki Ichikawa, Ai Sugie, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Jihun Jeon, Hyung Do Kim, Hideo Ohkita, et al. Manipulating the functionality and structures of π-conjugated polymers utilizing intramolecular noncovalent interactions towards efficient organic photovoltaics. Chemical Science. 2024
Kodai Yamanaka, Masahiko Saito, Tomoyuki Koganezawa, Hayato Saito, Hyung Do Kim, Hideo Ohkita, Itaru Osaka. Interplay Between π-Conjugated Polymer Donors and Acceptors Determines Crystalline Order of Their Blends and Photovoltaic Performance. Advanced Energy Materials. 2023
Jihun Jeon, Kiyotaka Doi, Hyung Do Kim, Hiroki Ogawa, Mikihito Takenaka, Hideo Ohkita. Correlating the structures and photovoltaic properties in phase-separated blends of conjugated donor polymers and acceptors. Polymer Journal. 2022. 55. 4. 477-487
Hyung Do Kim, Yuya Horiuchi, Shinta Iwasaki, Tomohiro Fukuhara, Hideo Ohkita. Nongeminate Recombination in All-Polymer Solar Cells with Different Crystallinities. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2021. 13. 33. 39322-39330
Yongyoon Cho, Jueming Bing, Hyung Do Kim, Yong Li, Jianghui Zheng, Shi Tang, Martin A. Green, Atsushi Wakamiya, Shujuan Huang, Hideo Ohkita, et al. Immediate and Temporal Enhancement of Power Conversion Efficiency in Surface-Passivated Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2021
もっと見る 学歴 (4件): - 2014 - 2017 Ph.D., Department of Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University
- 2012 - 2014 M.S., Department of Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University
- 2011 - 2012 Research Student, Department of Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University
- 2002 - 2011 B.S., Department of Chemical Engineering, Yeungnam University
経歴 (4件): - 2018/10 - 現在 Assistant Professor, Department of Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University
- 2018/04 - 2018/09 Research Fellow, Department of Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University
- 2017/04 - 2018/03 JSPS Research Fellowships (PD), Department of Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University
- 2016/04 - 2017/03 JSPS Research Fellowships (DC2), Department of Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University
委員歴 (1件): - 2020/01 - 2021/12 The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineeris (KIChE) Director of General Affairs (Japan Region)
受賞 (2件): - 2018/12 - 3回フロンティア太陽電池セミナー ポスター賞
- 2016/05 - 優秀ポスター賞