J-GLOBAL ID:202001018649654630   更新日: 2025年01月16日

芦田 文博

Ashida Fumihiro
論文 (136件):
  • Takuya Morimoto, Fumihiro Ashida, Naoya Inoue, Ryota Hayashi. Curvature arising in shape memory polymer sheets via light absorption. Acta Mechanica. 2022
  • Fumihiro Ashida, Takuya Morimoto, Ryo Kuwahara. Adaptive control of an unsteady stress oscillation in a functionally graded multiferroic composite thin plate. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. 2022. 95
  • Takuya Morimoto, Fumihiro Ashida, Taku Saito. Contact mechanics between a holey rubber block and a rigid plane. Mechanics Research Communications. 2022. 119. 103821-103821
  • Takuya Morimoto, Fumihiro Ashida, Takahiro Tomita. Elastic buckling of a free-standing annulus subjected to partial shrinkage. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES. 2020. 177
  • Takuya Morimoto, Fumihiro Ashida, Daisuke Yamane. Finite bending of a stretchable thin-film transistor. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2020. 59. 4
書籍 (2件):
  • Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses
  • 弾性数理解析とその応用
    養賢堂 2007 ISBN:9784842504179
委員歴 (1件):
  • 2011/06 - 2023/03 ICTS国際運営委員会委員
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