J-GLOBAL ID:202001019498072681
更新日: 2025年03月12日 Jaculbia Rafael
Jaculbia Rafael
所属機関・部署: 職名:
研究分野 (5件):
, 光工学、光量子科学
, 薄膜、表面界面物性
, 半導体、光物性、原子物理
, ナノ材料科学
研究キーワード (5件):
, Instrument Development
, Nanotechnology
, Raman Spectroscopy
, Surface Science
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件): - 2023 - 2024 探針増強テラヘルツラマン分光法の開発とグラフェンー水相互作用のナノスケール研究
- 2021 - 2024 探針増強テラヘルツラマン分光法の開発とグラフェンー水相互作用のナノスケール研究
- 2018 - 2021 Development of time resolved STM-THz-TDS system for studying the ultrafast carrier dynamics of graphene
- 2015 - 2018 THz-可視STM発光分光を用いた単一分子におけるエネルギー散逸過程の研究
論文 (30件): -
Kensuke Kimura, Ryo Tamaki, Minhui Lee, Xingmei Ouyang, Satoshi Kusaba, Rafael B. Jaculbia, Yoichi Kawada, Jaehoon Jung, Atsuya Muranaka, Hiroshi Imada, et al. Ultrafast on-demand exciton formation in a single-molecule junction by tailored terahertz pulses. Science. 2025. 387. 6738. 1077-1082
Maria Herminia M. Balgos, Mary Clare S. Escaño, Rafael B. Jaculbia, Tien Quang Nguyen, Elizabeth Ann P. Prieto, Elmer S. Estacio, Arnel A. Salvador, Armando S. Somintac, Masahiko Tani, Norihiko Hayazawa, et al. Atomically Precise Delineation of As Antisite Defect States from Undoped Gallium Arsenide Host Lattice by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy Measurements and Density Functional Theory Calculations. physica status solidi (b). 2022. 259. 7. 2100652-2100652
Miyabi Imai-Imada, Hiroshi Imada, Kuniyuki Miwa, Yusuke Tanaka, Kensuke Kimura, Inhae Zoh, Rafael B. Jaculbia, Hiroko Yoshino, Atsuya Muranaka, Masanobu Uchiyama, et al. Orbital-resolved visualization of single-molecule photocurrent channels. Nature. 2022. 603. 7903. 829-834
Lean Dasallas, Rafael Jaculbia, Maria Vanessa Balois-Oguchi, Wilson Garcia, Norihiko Hayazawa. Effect of detection angle and substrate in the polarization analysis of 1D dipole emission. Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 2021. 39. 1. 307-307
Chi Zhang, Rafael B. Jaculbia, Yusuke Tanaka, Emiko Kazuma, Hiroshi Imada, Norihiko Hayazawa, Atsuya Muranaka, Masanobu Uchiyama, Yousoo Kim. Chemical Identification and Bond Control of π-Skeletons in a Coupling Reaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2021. 143. 25. 9461-9467
もっと見る MISC (1件): -
Estacio Elmer, Que Christopher T., 山本 晃司, TANI Masahiko, TAKATORI Satoru, PHAM Minh Hong, YOSHIDA Takashi, RADUBAN Marilou Cadatal, SAKURAI Nobuhiko, HANGYO Masanori, et al. Terahertz emission from GaAs and InAs thin films grown on Si substrates in the transmission-geometry optical excitation (平成22年度 福井大学遠赤外領域開発研究センター 研究成果報告書) -- (テラヘルツ波分光・計測). 遠赤外領域開発研究 : 福井大学遠赤外領域開発研究センター研究成果報告書. 2011. 12. 204-212
学位 (1件): - PhD Physics (University of the Philippines-Diliman)