Taira Nagai, Toshiyuki Hibiya. Diurnal Coastal Trapped Waves and Associated Deep-Ocean Mixing Near the Head of Suruga Trough. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2022. 127. 7
Nagai, T., Hibiya, T., Syamsudin, F. Direct Estimates of Turbulent Mixing in the Indonesian Archipelago and Its Role in the Transformation of the Indonesian Throughflow Waters. Geophysical Research Letters. 2021. 48. 6
Nagai, T., Hibiya, T. Combined Effects of Tidal Mixing in Narrow Straits and the Ekman Transport on the Sea Surface Temperature Cooling in the Southern Indonesian Seas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2020. 125. 11
Turbulent Mixing Induced by Diurnal Coastal Trapped Waves Propagating over the Rough Seafloor Topography in the Suruga Trough
(International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly (Berlin, Germany) 2023)
Turbulent mixing in the Indonesian Seas - Modeling and observation
(2nd Northwestern Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment (NPOCE) Webinar 2022)
Direct estimates of turbulent mixing in the Indonesian Archipelago and its role in the transformation of the ITF waters
(Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021 2021)
Numerical study of tide-induced deep-ocean mixing near the head of Suruga Trough
(日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会 2021)
The combined effect of tidal mixing in narrow straits and the Ekman transport on the variability of SST in the southern Indonesian Seas
(Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020)
PICES (The North Pacific Marine Science Organization)
, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)
, American Geophysical Union (AGU)
, 日本地球惑星科学連合 (JpGU)
, 日本海洋学会