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小穴 温子, 菊地 優, 壇 一男, 井ノ上 大門, 射場 淳. 千島海溝沿い巨大地震による強震動予測と免震建物の動的応答解析-Estimation of strong ground motions from mega earthquakes along the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench and their effects on seismically isolated buildings. 北海道地区自然災害科学資料センター報告 = Bulletin of the Natural Disaster Science Data Center, Hokkaido. 2023. 36. 41-59
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Tsunamis and Nuclear Risks, Prediction and Assessment Beyond the Fukushima Accident, Springer Open 2016
Fault rupturing models of mega earthquakes along the Kuril Trench for predicting strong ground motions
(The 1st International Symposium on Advanced Materials and Design for Structural Safety and Sustainability, Kumamoto, Japan, January 30-31 2023)