J-GLOBAL ID:202101008968697298   更新日: 2024年01月31日

多田 雄哉

競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
  • 2022 - 2025 浮遊性微細藻類に着目した海洋低次生態系におけるメチル水銀生物濃縮過程の解明
  • 2017 - 2020 海洋における難分解性溶存有機物の動態を左右する微生物系統群の解明
  • 2014 - 2016 海洋における粒子態有機物を起源とする微生物炭素ポンプ機能の解明
論文 (29件):
  • Yuya Tada, Kohji Marumoto, Akinori Takeuchi. Nitrospina -like Bacteria Are Dominant Potential Mercury Methylators in Both the Oyashio and Kuroshio Regions of the Western North Pacific. Microbiology Spectrum. 2021
  • Masaaki Nagano, Masatake Fujimura, Yuya Tada, Yoshiyuki Seko. Dietary Fructooligosaccharides Reduce Mercury Levels in the Brain of Mice Exposed to Methylmercury. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2021. 44. 4. 522-527
  • Shuji Goto, Yuya Tada, Koji Suzuki, Youhei Yamashita. Evaluation of the Production of Dissolved Organic Matter by Three Marine Bacterial Strains. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020. 11. 584419-584419
  • Takuhei Shiozaki, Yuya Tada, Hideki Fukuda, Ken Furuya, Toshi Nagata. Primary production and nitrogen assimilation rates from bay to offshore waters in the oyashio-kuroshio-Tsugaru Warm Current interfrontal region of the northwestern north Pacific Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 2020. 164. 103304-103304
  • Yuya Tada, Kohji Marumoto. Uptake of methylmercury by marine microalgae and its bioaccumulation in them. Journal of Oceanography. 2020. 76. 1. 63-70
MISC (1件):
  • Tada Yuya, Shiozaki Takuhei, Ogawa Hiroshi, Suzuki Koji. Basin-scale distribution of prokaryotic phylotypes in the epipelagic layer of the Central South Pacific Ocean during austral summer. Journal of oceanography. 2017. 73. 2. 145-158
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