Kazuya Saito, Takumi Uchihara, Kotaro Takizawa, Yui Suzukida. Declarative and automatized phonological vocabulary knowledge in L2 listening proficiency: A training study. Applied Psycholinguistics. 2024
Viktoria Magne, Yui Suzukida, Walcir Cardoso. Linguistic correlates of second language users’ attitudes to Arabic and Chinese varieties of English: a verbal guise study. Asian Englishes. 2024
Takumi Uchihara, Kazuya Saito, Satsuki Kurokawa, Kotaro Takizawa, Yui Suzukida. Declarative and Automatized Phonological Vocabulary Knowledge: Recognition, Recall, Lexicosemantic Judgment, and Listening-Focused Employability of Second Language Words. Language Learning. 2024
Yui Suzukida. Delving into L2 Learners’ Perspective: Exploring the Role of Individual Differences in Self-Evaluation of L2 Speech Learning. Languages. 2024
Yui Suzukida, Kazuya Saito. Detangling experiential, cognitive, and sociopsychological individual differences in second language speech learning: Cross-sectional and longitudinal investigations. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 2023
The Role of Cognitive and Sociopsychological Individual Differences in the Effectiveness of Explicit Phonetic Instruction in Second Language Pronunciation Development.
(International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech (New Sounds) 2019)
The Roles of Cognitive and Socio-psychological Individual Differences in Second Language Pronunciation Development
(the 28th annual conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA) 2018)
Examining the Segmental Correlates of Second Language Pronunciation Proficiency of Japanese Speakers
(日本「アジア英語」学会 2017)
Aptitude effects on second language segmental and suprasegmental development in classroom settings: A Longitudinal Study.
Examining the segmental correlates of second language pronunciation proficiency of Japanese speakers
学歴 (6件):
2019 - 2021 University College London , University of London 大学院 博士課程 応用言語学
2017 - 2019 Birkbeck, University of London 大学院博士課程 応用言語学
2015 - 2016 Birkbeck, University of London 大学院修士課程 応用言語学
2014 - 2015 King’s College London , University of London 大学院