J-GLOBAL ID:202101013816858818
更新日: 2024年01月30日 ガルキン セルゲイ
ガルキン セルゲイ | Galkin Sergey
所属機関・部署: 職名:
Associate Professor
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件): - 2009 - 2010 ファノ多様体の量子位相不変量
論文 (27件): -
Pieter Belmans, Sergey Galkin, Swarnava Mukhopadhyay. Graph potentials and moduli spaces of rank two bundles on a curve. 2020
Tom Coates, Sergey Galkin, Alexander Kasprzyk, Andrew Strangeway. Quantum Periods for Certain Four-Dimensional Fano Manifolds. Experimental Mathematics. 2020. 1-39
Galkin, Sergey, Nagaraj, D. S. Projective bundles and blow-ups of Projective spaces. 2020
Galkin, Sergey, Rybakov, Sergey. A family of K3 surfaces and towers of algebraic curves over finite fields. Mathematical Notes. 2019. 106. 5-6
Pieter Belmans, Sergey Galkin, Swarnava Mukhopadhyay. Examples Violating Golyshev’s Canonical Strip Hypotheses. Experimental Mathematics. 2019. 1-5
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