2022 - 2024 How do firms exploit their business network for tax evasion? Evidence from Mongolia
講演・口頭発表等 (10件):
Does Consumer Monitoring Reduce Corporate Tax Evasion Along the Supply Chain? Evidence from Mongolia
(Applied Economics Workshop, Keio University 2023)
Does Consumer Monitoring Reduce Corporate Tax Evasion Along the Supply Chain? Evidence from Mongolia
(Business School, National University of Mongolia 2022)
Does Consumer Monitoring Reduce Corporate Tax Evasion Along the Supply Chain? Evidence from Mongolia
(IESR seminar, Jinan University. 2022)
Does Consumer Monitoring Reduce Corporate Tax Evasion Along the Supply Chain? Evidence from Mongolia
(6th Zurich Conference on Public Finance in Developing Countries 2021)
Resource Misallocation and Learning-by-Doing
(HIAS lunch seminar 2021)