2021 - 2024 SMRT KOマウスを用いた骨格筋分化・再生機構の解明と退行性筋疾患治療への応用
2018 - 2021 SMRTによるレチノイン酸受容体シグナル制御と肥満抑制メカニズムの解明
論文 (2件):
Shimizu H, Horibata Y, Amano I, Ritter MJ, Domae M, Ando H, Sugimoto H, Cohen RN, Hollenberg AN. Nuclear corepressor SMRT acts as a strong regulator of both β-oxidation and suppressor of fibrosis in the differentiation process of mouse skeletal muscle cells. PLOSONE. 2022. 17. 12
Mendoza A, Astapova I, Shimizu H, Gallop MR, Al-Sowaimel L, MacGowan SMD, Bergmann T, Berg AH, Tenen DE, Jacobs C, Lyubetskaya A, Tsai L, Hollenberg AN. NCoR1-independent mechanism plays a role in the action of the unliganded thyroid hormone receptor. PNAS. 2017. 114. 40. E8458-E8467
講演・口頭発表等 (6件):
SMRT Acts as an Important Regulator for Both Beta-Oxidation and the Maturation of Myogenesis in Mouse C2C12 Cell
Role of the Nuclear Receptor Corepressors Ncor1 and Smrt in Adult Mice
The Role of SMRT in Thyroid Hormone Receptor Signaling
(Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology 2016)
The role of NCoR and SMRT in nuclear receptor sibnaling
The role of NCoR and SMRT in thyroid hormone action and metabolic disease