Takeshi Nagase, Kazuya Takizawa, Akihiro Nino, Yukichi Umakoshi. Electron Irradiation Induced Crystal-to-Amorphous-to-Crystal (C-A-C) Transition in Intermetallic Compounds. ADVANCED INTERMETALLIC-BASED ALLOYS FOR EXTREME ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY APPLICATIONS. 2009. 1128. 311-+
MISC (43件):
NINO Akihiro, SEKINE Takashi, SUGIYAMA Shigeaki. Synthesis and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Nitride-Tungsten Carbide Composite Ceramics. Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy. 2022. 69. 2. 78-86
関根 崇, 菅原 靖, 岸 初美, 杉山 重彰, 加藤 勝, 石田 広巳, 仁野 章弘. 導電性を持つ次世代型多機能セラミックスの開発(2)-Development of Next-generation Multifunctional Ceramics with Electrical Conductivity(2). 業務年報 = Annual report of Akita Industrial Technology Center / 秋田県産業技術センター 編. 2021. 90-93