Tomoko Doi, Ikumi Honda, Maki Nakajima, Miharu Tamaoki, Masaaki Hirayama. Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Constipation Severity in Patients With Parkinson Disease: A Cross-sectional Study. The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. 2023. 55. 6. 211-216
Miharu Tamaoki, Ikumi Honda, Keisuke Nakanishi, Maki Nakajima, Sophathya Cheam, Manabu Okawada, Hisataka Sakakibara. Lifestyle Factors Associated with Metabolic Syndrome in Urban Cambodia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022. 19. 17. 10481-10481
田中 加苗, 鈴木 千琴, 藤井 愛海, 中島 麻紀, 原 朱美, 中山 洋子, 南 裕子, 片田 範子. 災害による病院避難時のトリアージで看護職が経験する倫理的葛藤に関する文献検討-Nurses' Ethical Challenges in Disaster Triage during Hospital Evacuation : a Literature Review. 日本災害看護学会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Disaster Nursing / 日本災害看護学会年次大会 編. 2022. 23. 3. 50-61
Maki Nakajima, Sakiko Kanbara. Research of Disaster Nursing in Japan 2005-2020. Sustainable Development Goals Series. 2022. 55-64
宮前 繁, 神原 咲子, 小澤 若菜, 藤井 愛海, 中島 麻紀, 山本 あい子, 南 裕子. 看護研究者からみる災害看護学において取り組むべき研究課題のデルファイ法による特定-Identifying Priority Research Topics in Disaster Nursing Using the Delphi Method from the Perspective of Nursing Researchers. 日本災害看護学会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Disaster Nursing / 日本災害看護学会年次大会 編. 2023. 25. 2. 4-16
書籍 (1件):
Disaster nursing, primary health care and communication in uncertainty
Springer 2022 ISBN:9783030982966