J-GLOBAL ID:202201008945939372   更新日: 2024年11月12日

岩淵 佑介

イワブチ ユウスケ | Iwabuchi Yusuke
職名: 医員
研究キーワード (3件): Streptococcus mutans ,  メンブレンヴェシクル ,  口腔バイオフィルム
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2022 - 2024 S.mutansのmembrane vesiclesを対象とした感染性心内膜炎の予防法の開発
論文 (5件):
  • Ryoma Nakao, Hirotaka Kobayashi, Yusuke Iwabuchi, Kazuyoshi Kawahara, Satoru Hirayama, Madeleine Ramstedt, Yuki Sasaki, Michiyo Kataoka, Yukihiro Akeda, Makoto Ohnishi. A highly immunogenic vaccine platform against encapsulated pathogens using chimeric probiotic Escherichia coli membrane vesicles. NPJ vaccines. 2022. 7. 1. 153-153
  • Iwabuchi Y, Nakamura T, Kusumoto Y, Nakao R, Iwamoto T, Shinozuka O, Senpuku H. Effects of pH on the Properties of Membrane Vesicles Including Glucosyltransferase in Streptococcus mutans. Microorganisms. 2021. 9. 11
  • Nakamura T, Iwabuchi Y, Hirayama S, Narisawa N, Takenaga F, Nakao R, Senpuku H. Roles of membrane vesicles from Streptococcus mutans for the induction of antibodies to glucosyltransferase in mucosal immunity. Microbial pathogenesis. 2020. 149. 104260
  • Hidenobu Senpuku, Tomoyo Nakamura, Yusuke Iwabuchi, Satoru Hirayama, Ryoma Nakao, Makoto Ohnishi. Effects of Complex DNA and MVs with GTF Extracted from Streptococcus mutans on the Oral Biofilm. Molecules. 2019. 24. 17. 3131
  • 星合 泰治, 楠本 康香, 星合 愛子, 岩淵 佑介, 相田 貴絵, 野末 杏奈, 濱 文奈, 篠塚 修. 四肢麻痺を伴う脳性麻痺患者にシャフト部が交換可能なマウススティックを製作した1症例. 障害者歯科. 2018. 39. 4. 413-417
講演・口頭発表等 (17件):
  • 外来性莢膜多糖を発現するプロバイオティクス大腸菌が作る膜小胞ワクチンの特性評価
  • Effect of initial pH conditions on the membrane vesicles produced by Streptococcus mutans
    (EMBO | The Company of Biologists Workshop -Bacterial membrane vesicles: Biogenesis, functions and medical applications-)
  • Effect of extracellular DNA for biofilm formation of Actinomyces by membrane vesicle of Streptococcus mutans
    (2021 The 63rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology All Rights Reserved.)
  • Intranasal vaccine development using probiotic E. coli-derived membrane vesicles carrying pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides
    (15th Vaccine Congress)
  • Streptococcus mutans由来膜小胞によるActinomycesのバイオフィルム形成
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