研究キーワード (3件):
, Relative energy deficiency in sport (REDs)
, 骨の健康
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
2024 - 2027 アスリートのエナジーアベイラビリティーと代謝相互作用の解明
2023 - 2024 男性アスリートにおける骨密度と関連する栄養学要因の検討
論文 (6件):
Masaharu Kagawa, Yosuke Nagashima, Satomi Oshima, Akiko Sato, Tatsuya Ishizu, Kazuko Ishikawa-Takata, Motoko Taguchi. An academic cooperation between the Japan Sports Nutrition Association (JSNA) and the Korean Society for Exercise Nutrition (KSEN). Physical Activity and Nutrition. 2024. 28. 2. 20-22
Tatsuya Ishizu, Suguru Torii, Motoko Taguchi. Association between serum uncarboxylated osteocalcin levels and nutritional intake in Japanese female athletes. Physical Activity and Nutrition. 2022. 26. 3. 001-005
Tatsuya Ishizu, Suguru Torii, Motoko Taguchi. Habitual Dietary Status and Stress Fracture Risk Among Japanese Female Collegiate Athletes. Journal of the American Nutrition Association. 2022. 1-8
Tatsuya Ishizu, Suguru Torii, Eri Takai, Nozomi Miura, Motoko Taguchi. Japanese female athletes with low energy availability exhibit low multiple food group intake and increased tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b levels: a cross-sectional study. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. 2022. 11. 2. 107-116
Increase in sports nutrition knowledge following an e-learning education in female athletes
(American College of Sports Medicine 71st Annual Meeting 2024)
Relationship between energy availability changes and endocrinological markers in male long-distance runners: a longitudinal study
(American College of Sports Medicine 71st Annual Meeting 2024)
Factors Associated with Bone Parameters in Male Collegiate Athletes.
(ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024 2024)
Prevalence of Surrogate Markers of Relative Energy Deficiency in Male Collegiate Athletes.
(ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024 2024)
Relationship of body composition and sport types on bone mineral density in young female athletes
(American College of Sports Medicine 70th Annual Meeting 2023)