Hiroaki Aoyama, Kaishi Yamagiwa, Shingo Fujimoto, Jin Izumi, Senri Ganeko, Shingo Kameshima. Non-destructive elemental analysis of prehistoric potsherds in the southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan: Consideration of the pottery surface processing technique in the boundary region between the Japanese Jōmon and Neolithic Taiwan. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2020. 33. 102512-102512
Kaishi Yamagiwa, Shingo Fujimoto, Hiroaki Aoyama, Jin Izumi, Shingo Kameshima. A possible new oldest pottery group in the Southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan: Comparative analysis of elemental components of potsherds from the Shiraho-Saonetabaru Cave Site. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2019. 26. 101879-101879
Hiroaki Aoyama, Kaishi Yamagiwa, Shingo Fujimoto, Jin Izumi, Ryosuke Ishikawa, Shingo Kameshima, Tsutomu Arakaki. A new nondestructive approach to chemical analysis of potsherds using an X-ray fluorescence microscope: Case study about the past pottery manufacture in the Yaeyama Islands. X-Ray Spectrometry. 2018. 47. 4. 265-272