J-GLOBAL ID:202201013800248324   更新日: 2024年12月10日

後藤 愛

ゴトウ アイ | Gotou Ai
職名: 講師
論文 (22件):
  • Kambayashi R†, Goto A†, Izumi-Nakaseko H†, Takei Y†, Sugiyama A†*. Characterization of cardiovascular profile of anti-influenza drug peramivir: a reverse-translational study using the isoflurane-anesthetized dog. Journal of pharmacological sciences. 2024. 154. 3. 218-224
  • Goto A†, Kambayashi R†, Chiba K†, Shinozaki M†, Moritani K, Izumi-Nakaseko H†, Shinozaki M†, Takei Y†, Hirasawa A, Sugiyama A*†. Analyses of the onset mechanisms of cardio-stimulatory action by aciclovir. Journal of pharmacological sciences. 2024. 154. 4. 294-300
  • Suzuki N†, Kambayashi R†, Goto A†, Izumi-Nakaseko H†, Takei Y†, Naito AT†, Sugiyama A*†. Cardiovascular safety pharmacology of ivermectin assessed using the isoflurane-anesthetized beagle dogs: ICH S7B follow-up study. The Journal of Toxicological Sciences. 2023. 48. 12. 645-654
  • Kambayashi R†, Goto A†, Izumi-Nakaseko H†, Takei Y†, Sugiyama A*†. In vivo analysis of acute eletropharmacological effects of proton pump inhibitors using the halothane-anesthetized dogs: a translational study of cardiovascular adverse events. The Journal of Toxicological Sciences. 2023. 48. 7. 375-385
  • Goto A†, Kambayashi R†, Saito H, Akie Y, Izumi-Nakaseko H†, Takei Y†, Sugiyama A*†. Characterization of the electrocardiogram of microminipig in comparison with that of Clawn miniature swine: impacts of miniaturization of body size on electrocardiographic indices. The Journal of veterinary medical science / the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science. 2023. 85. 8. 828-831
MISC (66件):
  • Kambayashi R†, Goto A†, Izumi-Nakaseko H†, Takei Y†, Matsumoto A†, Kawai S†, Sugiyama A*†. Roles of I K,ACh for perpetuating atrial fibrillation: effects of atrial-selective K + channel inhibitor AVE0118 and class I drugs on the persistent atrial fibrillation canine model. Journal of pharmacological sciences. 2022. in press
  • Takei T†, Amagase A, Iida K, Sagawa T, Goto A†, Kambayashi R†, Izumi-Nakaseko H†, Matsumoto A†, Kawai S†, Sugiyama A†, et al. Alteration in peritoneal cells with the chemokine CX3CL1 reverses age-associated impairment of recognition memory. GeroScience. 2022. in press
  • Goto A†, Kambayashi R†, Izumi-Nakaseko H†, Takei Y†, Kawai S†, Matsumoto A†, Lurie K, Sugiyama A*†. Magnitude of mitral valve closure plays a pivotal role in enhancing the forward blood flow during cardiac massage in dogs with ventricular fibrillation. The Journal of veterinary medical science / the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science. 2022. in press
  • 杉山篤†, 神林隆一†, 後藤愛†, 松本明郎†, 中瀬古(泉)寛子†. 新 Vaughan Williams 分類を臨床に活かす. 心血管薬物療法. 2022. 9. 1. 3-8
  • Kambayashi R†, Goto A†, Hagiwara-Nagasawa M†, Izumi-Nakaseko H†, Shinozaki M†, Kawai S†, Matsumoto A†, Takei Y†, Sugiyama A*†. Analysis of clinically-reported, memantine-induced cardiovascular adverse responses using the halothane-anesthetized dogs: reverse translational study. Journal of pharmacological sciences. 2022. 148. 4. 343-350
講演・口頭発表等 (149件):
  • 抗がん薬チロシンキナーゼ阻害薬によるCa恒常性の乱れ
  • Characterization of the cardiac safety pharmacological profile of anti-influenza drug peramivir using the isoflurane-anesthetized dog
    (第97回日本薬理学会年会 2023)
  • ハロセン麻酔犬を用いたmorphineによる心血行動態および電気生理学的作用の分析
    (第97回日本薬理学会年会 2023)
  • Middle-size animal model for detecting drug-induced torsade de pointes arrhythmia.
    (Sino-Japan Symposium Traditional Chinese Medicine in cardiovascular Disease 2023)
  • アレルギー性狭心症(Kounis症候群)の発症機序:麻酔犬を用いたリバーストランスレーショナル研究
    (2023年度 生理研心血管研究会 -炎症・免疫系と心血管系の相互作用から切り拓く循環生理機能の解析- 2023)
経歴 (2件):
  • 2024/12 - 現在 東邦大学 医学部 医学科 講師
  • 2022/04 - 2024/11 東邦大学 医学部 医学科 助教
受賞 (3件):
  • 2021/10 - 3. 第145回日本薬理学会関東部会 優秀発表賞
  • 2019/10 - 2. 第141回日本薬理学会関東部会 優秀発表賞
  • 2019/09 - 1. 第21回応用薬理シンポジウム 優秀ポスター発表賞
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