Ryotaku Suzuki, Shinya Tomizawa. New construction of a charged dipole black ring by the Harrison transformation. Physical Review D. 2024. 109. 8
Ryotaku Suzuki, Shinya Tomizawa. A Capped Black Hole in Five Dimensions. e-Print. 2023
Shinya Tomizawa, Ryotaku Suzuki. Causality of Photon Propagation under Dominant Energy Condition in Non-linear Electrodynamics. e-Print. 2023
Ren Tsuda, Ryotaku Suzuki, Shinya Tomizawa. Existence conditions of nonsingular dyonic black holes in nonlinear electrodynamics. e-Print. 2023
Ryotaku Suzuki, Shinya Tomizawa. Dynamics of Myers-Perry black holes with almost equal angular momenta in odd dimensions. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023. 2023. 10
Spherical black holes with nontrivial domain of outer communication in D=5 minimal supergravity
(The 32nd Workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation in Japan (JGRG32) 2023)
Dynamics of Myers-Perry black holes with nearly equal angular momenta at large D
(日本物理学会 第78回年次大会 2023)
Dynamics of Myers-Perry black holes with almost equal angular momenta at large D
(第24回特異点研究会 2023)
Phase and stability of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet black strings at large D
(日本物理学会2022年春季大会 2023)
Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Black holes at large D
(6th international conference on Holography, String Theory and Spacetime 2023)