Takashi Jindo, Naruki Kitano, Koki Nagata, Yuichi Nakahara-Gondoh, Kazuhiro Suzukawa, Toshiya Nagamatsu. Correlates of early attrition from school sports clubs in male senior high school students: a 2.4-year follow-up study. Frontiers in sports and active living. 2023. 5. 1203113-1203113
中原 雄一, 神藤 隆志, 北濃 成樹, 永田 康喜, 植木 貴頼, 具志堅 武, 永松 俊哉, 鈴川 一宏. 男子高校生の1年次初期段階におけるスポーツクラブ活動状況と身体組成および体力の関連 : 中学時代の活動状況を考慮した検討-Association between sports club activity and body composition and physical fitness in high school freshman boys : Considering junior high school sports activity status. 運動とスポーツの科学 = Journal of physical exercise and sports science. 2023. 29. 1. 1-7