








J-GLOBAL ID:202301008057649487   更新日: 2025年02月28日

マエゾノ サクラ エリ バウティスタ

Maezono Sakura Eri Bautista
職名: 助教
ホームページURL (1件): https://www-user.yokohama-cu.ac.jp/~bioinfo/
研究分野 (2件): 生命、健康、医療情報学 ,  神経科学一般
研究キーワード (8件): Drug discovery ,  Machine Learning ,  Sleep Medicine ,  Neuroscience ,  Oncology ,  Computational Genomics ,  Big data Analytics ,  Bioinformatics
論文 (4件):
  • Samuel B Bader, Tiffany S Ma, Charlotte J Simpson, Jiachen Liang, Sakura Eri B Maezono, Monica M Olcina, Francesca M Buffa, Ester M Hammond. Replication catastrophe induced by cyclic hypoxia leads to increased APOBEC3B activity. Nucleic acids research. 2021. 49. 13. 7492-7506
  • Evgenii Zavjalov, Alexander Zaboronok, Vladimir Kanygin, Anna Kasatova, Aleksandr Kichigin, Rinat Mukhamadiyarov, Ivan Razumov, Tatiana Sycheva, Bryan J. Mathis, Sakura Eri B. Maezono, et al. Accelerator-based boron neutron capture therapy for malignant glioma: a pilot neutron irradiation study using boron phenylalanine, sodium borocaptate and liposomal borocaptate with a heterotopic U87 glioblastoma model in SCID mice. International Journal of Radiation Biology. 2020. 1-11
  • Sakura Eri B. Maezono, Mika Kanuka, Chika Tatsuzawa, Miho Morita, Taizo Kawano, Mitsuaki Kashiwagi, Pimpimon Nondhalee, Masanori Sakaguchi, Takashi Saito, Takaomi C. Saido, et al. Progressive Changes in Sleep and Its Relations to Amyloid-β Distribution and Learning in SingleAppKnock-In Mice. eneuro. 2020
  • Maezono, Sakura Eri B, Villareal, Myra O, Junkyu,Han, Isoda, Hiroko. Suppressive effect of Caffeic acid and Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester on Oxidative Stress in B16 Mouse Melanoma and Human Epidermal Melanocytes. ICP2014 Nagoya Polyphenols Communications. 2014. 2014. 119-119
講演・口頭発表等 (11件):
  • Genome-wide identification and functional characterization of lncRNAs in dendritic cell differentiation
    (1st Asia & Pacific Bioinformatics Joint Conference 2024)
  • Regulation of myelopoiesis by transcribed enhancers long-noncoding RNAs (e-lncRNAs)
    (第46回日本分子生物学会年会 2023)
  • 尿検体の保管・配送温度に対する尿中miRNAプロファイルの安定性
    (第7回 Liquid Biopsy研究会 2023)
  • 尿中エクソソーム内包マイクロ RNA を用いた乳癌スクリーニング検査の開発
    (第32回日本乳癌検診学会学術総会 2022)
  • Overcoming Challenges of Work-life balance
    (University of Tsukuba Leading Graduate Program Alumni Conference: Driving the Change for 10 years 2022)
学歴 (2件):
  • 2015 - 2020 筑波大学 グローバル教育院 ヒューマンバイオロジー学位プログラム
  • 2012 - 2015 筑波大学 生命環境系 生物学
経歴 (4件):
  • 2023/04 - 現在 公立大学法人横浜市立大学 先端医科学研究センター バイオインフォマティクス解析センター 助教
  • 2020/06 - 2023/03 Craif株式会社
  • 2020/07 - 2020/08 The Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson Medical Affairs Intern
  • 2018/04 - 2018/10 Computational Biology and Integrative Genomics, University of Oxford Oncology Research Intern
受賞 (6件):
  • 2019/12 - Appropriate Technology, University of Tsukuba Best Pitch and Technology Project Award
  • 2019/10 - Tsukuba Conference 2019 Outstanding poster award Abnormal Sleep and Cognitive ability in an App Knock-in Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
  • 2018/03 - 7th Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference Best poster award and start-up grant Best poster award and start-up grant
  • 2017/10 - Program for Leading Graduate Schools Forum 2017 Future International Leader Award and Student Award
  • 2016/01 - 5th RIKEN BRC-Nanjing University MARC Mouse Resource Workshop Best Discussant
所属学会 (1件):
※ J-GLOBALの研究者情報は、researchmapの登録情報に基づき表示しています。 登録・更新については、こちらをご覧ください。
