Ryusuke Murata, Fumiya Okubo, Tsubasa Minematsu, Yuta Taniguchi, Atsushi Shimada. New Perspective on Input Feature Analysis for Early Feedback by Student Performance Prediction Considering the Future Effect. The 12th Internal Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference. 2022
Tsubasa Minematsu, Atsushi Shimada. Can Learning Logs Be Useful Evidence in Cheating Analysis in Essay-type Questions?. The 12th Internal Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference. 2022
Erwin D. Lopez Z., Tsubasa Minematsu, Yuta Taniguchi, Fumiya Okubo, Atsushi Shimada. Encoding students reading characteristics to improve low academic performance predictive models. The 12th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK22). 2022
Erwin D. Lopez Z., Tsubasa Minematsu, Yuta Taniguchi, Fumiya Okubo, Atsushi Shimada. Exploring the use of probabilistic latent representations to encode the students' reading characteristics. The 4th Workshop on Predicting Performance Based on the Analysis of Reading Behavior. 2022
Yuta Taniguchi, Tsubasa Minematsu, Fumiya Okubo, Atsushi Shimada. Coding Trajectory Map: Student Programming Situations Made Visually Locatable. The 12th Internal Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference. 2022
峰松 翼. 有名論文ナナメ読み ~深層学習編~Bach, S., Binder, A., Montavon, G., Klauschen, F., Müller, K-R. and Samek, W. : On Pixel-Wise Explanations for Non-Linear Classifier Decisions by Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation. 2020
島田 敬士, 峰松 翼, 谷口 倫一郎. 屋外映像分析のための背景差分法. 2019
受賞 (4件):
2019/11 - 16th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age Best paper award
2019/08 - 電気設備学会 全国大会優秀賞
2017/09 - SBM-RGBD Challenge organizers Winners in SBM-RGBD Challenge