Taiga Naoe, Shingo Tokimoto, Qiong Ma, Min Wang, Masatoshi Koizumi, Sachiko Kiyama. The role of pitch accent in lexical recognition in Japanese: Evidence from event-related potential and gamma-band activity (in press). Journal of Japanese Linguistics. 2025
Sugita-McEown, M., Makuuchi, M., Naoe, T, Ellinger, J, Quint Oga-Baldwin, W. L, McEown, K.S. An fMRI study examining the role of the extended amygdala and amygdala in emotion and inhibitory control in native versus second language processing. PLOS ONE. 2024. 19. 11
Taiga Naoe, Tsukasa Okimura, Toshiki Iwabuchi, Sachiko Kiyama, Michiru Makuuchi. Pragmatic atypicality of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Preliminary data of sentence-final particles in Japanese. In Masatoshi Koizumi (Ed.) Issues in Japanese Psycholinguistics from Comparative Perspectives. Volume 2 Interaction Between Linguistic and Nonlinguistic Factors. 2024. 183-200
Taiga Naoe, Kanae Ito, Michiru Makuuchi, Sachiko Kiyama. Correlations between the use of Japanese sentence-final particles -yo and -ne and individual differences in autistic and empathic traits. Tohoku Psychologica Folia. 2023. 81. 27-44
Sung, Yul-Wan, Taiga Naoe, Sachiko Kiyama, Seiji Ogawa. Spatial and temporal distribution of category-specific brain areas visualized through resting-state fMRI signals. 感性福祉研究所年報 = Report of Kansei Fukushi Research Institute. 2020. 21. 71-77