J-GLOBAL ID:202401004601189381   更新日: 2024年08月15日

林 健太郎

ハヤシ ケンタロウ | Hayashi Kentaro
職名: 特任助教
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2022 - 2025 可逆的な刺激応答性二次元・三次元足場材料を用いたヒトiPS細胞の動的制御
論文 (8件):
  • Philipp Linke, Natalie Munding, Esther Kimmle, Stefan Kaufmann, Kentaro Hayashi, Masaki Nakahata, Yoshinori Takashima, Masaki Sano, Martin Bastmeyer, Thomas Holstein, et al. Reversible Host-Guest Crosslinks in Supramolecular Hydrogels for On-Demand Mechanical Stimulation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2023
  • Ryo Suzuki, Tetsuya Hiraiwa, Anja Tursch, Stefanie Höger, Kentaro Hayashi, Suat Özbek, Thomas W. Holstein, Motomu Tanaka. Spatio-temporal Coordination of Active Deformation Forces and Wnt / Hippo-Yap Signaling in Hydra Regeneration. 2023
  • Esther Kimmle, Zahra Hajian Foroushani, Stephan Keppler, Judith Thoma, Kentaro Hayashi, Akihisa Yamamoto, Martin Bastmeyer, Motomu Tanaka. Discreteness of cell-surface contacts affects spatio-temporal dynamics, adhesion, and proliferation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Frontiers in Physics. 2022. 10
  • Kentaro Hayashi, Mami Matsuda, Masaki Nakahata, Yoshinori Takashima, Motomu Tanaka. Stimulus-Responsive, Gelatin-Containing Supramolecular Nanofibers as Switchable 3D Microenvironments for Cells. Polymers. 2022
  • Akihisa Yamamoto, Ai Sumiya, Felix Weissenfeld, Satoko Hinatsu, Wasim Abuillan, Masaki Nakahata, Motomu Tanaka. Modulation of viscoelasticity and interfacial potential of polyelectrolyte brush by Ion-specific interactions. Frontiers in Soft Matter. 2022. 2
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