J-GLOBAL ID:202401005381885981   更新日: 2024年02月20日

増山 茂

マスヤマ シゲル | Masuyama Shigeru
職名: 兼任教授
論文 (49件):
  • Kazuko Obayashi, Naonori Kodate, Yoko Ishii, Shigeru Masuyama. Assistive technologies and aging in place for people with dementia and disabilities: a proof-of-concept study with in-home passive remote monitoring with interactive communication functions. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. 2023
  • N. Kodate, Y. Maeda, B. Hauray, M. Tsujimura, W. C. H. Chan, H. Mannan, W. Yu, S. Dalgalarrondo, M. C. Cheung, A. Yumoto, et al. Hopes and fears regarding care robots: Content analysis of newspapers in East Asia and Western Europe, 2001-2020. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences. 2022
  • Kazuko Obayashi, Naonori Kodate, Shigeru Masuyama. Assessing the Impact of an Original Soft Communicative Robot in a Nursing Home in Japan: Will Softness or Conversations Bring more Smiles to Older People?. International Journal of Social Robotics. 2022
  • Kazuko Obayashi, Naonori Kodate, Hiromasa Kondo, Yoshimi Okamoto, Yoko Ishii, Takahiro Nonoda, Shigeru Masuyama. The <scp>COVID</scp>-19 pandemic and organizational resilience as unanticipated outcome of introducing socially assistive robots in nursing homes. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2021
  • Shigeru Masuyama. Can connected technologies improve sleep quality and safety of older adults and care-givers? An evaluation study of sleep monitors and communicative robots at a residential care home in Japan. Technology in Society. 2020
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