Kentaro FURUTA, Keisuke SAIGUSA, Fumiyasu MURAYAMA, Miki SEKIYA, Taro NISHIDA, Munehiro MAEDA, Masaru IGARASHI. Effect of the Wet Environment Around the Root on Dimensional Changes in Resin-based Root Canal Sealers During Setting in Human Extracted Teeth. Operative Dentistry, Endodontology and Periodontology. 2024. 4. 1. 36-45
Murayama Fumiyasu, Sugita Hirokazu, Sekiya Miki, Saigusa Keisuke, Nishida Taro, Maeda Munehiro, Igarashi Masaru. 曲げ特性が異なる5種のNi-Ti製ロータリーファイルシステムを用いて検討した、作業長到達後の追加挿入手技が根管のトランスポーテーションおよびガッタパーチャポイントの逸脱に及ぼす影響(Influence of Additional Insertion after Reaching the Working Length on Root Canal Transportation and Extrusion of the Gutta-percha Point in Five Ni-Ti Rotary File Systems with Different Bending Properties). Operative Dentistry, Endodontology and Periodontology. 2023. 3. 1. 59-72
Ide Aoi, Hasegawa Tatsuya, Koyanagi Katofumi, Saigusa Keisuke, Ohnishi Koyuki, Hamada Yasuhiro, Kitamura Kazuo. 根管口の位置とアクセスの輪郭を二次元ユークリッド空間上で評価したとき、それらに関する解釈を誤る場合の検証(VALIDATION OF MISINTERPRETATION REGARDING ORIFICE LOCATIONS AND THE ACCESS OUTLINE UNDER THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL EUCLIDEAN SPACE). Micro: the International Journal of Microdentistry. 2023. 14. 2. 110-117
Kobayashi Yoh, Sekiya Miki, Saigusa Keisuke, Maeda Munehiro, Igarashi Masaru. 歯根象牙質に対する支台築造用コンポジットレジンの厚さの比が支台築造強度に及ぼす影響(Effect of the Thickness Ratio of Core Build-up Composite Resin to Root Dentin on the Strength of Abutment Construction). Operative Dentistry, Endodontology and Periodontology. 2022. 2. 1. 1-8
Saigusa Keisuke, Takahashi Yukihiro, Maeda Munehiro, Igarashi Masaru. ハロゲンランプを熱放射源として用いるチェアサイド乾熱滅菌法の開発(Development of Chairside Dry Heat Sterilizer Using Halogen Lamps as a Thermal Radiation Source). Operative Dentistry, Endodontology and Periodontology. 2021. 1. 1. 9-21