Takashi Yoshida, Kenichi Ohki. Natural images are reliably represented by sparse and variable populations of neurons in visual cortex. Nature communications. 2020. 11. 1. 872-872
Jumpei Ukita, Takashi Yoshida, Kenichi Ohki. Characterisation of nonlinear receptive fields of visual neurons by convolutional neural network. Scientific reports. 2019. 9. 1. 3791-3791
Ayako Hayashi, Takashi Yoshida, Kenichi Ohki. Cell Type Specific Representation of Vibro-tactile Stimuli in the Mouse Primary Somatosensory Cortex. Frontiers in neural circuits. 2018. 12. 109-109
Shuhei Aihara, Takashi Yoshida, Takayuki Hashimoto, Kenichi Ohki. Color Representation Is Retinotopically Biased but Locally Intermingled in Mouse V1. Frontiers in neural circuits. 2017. 11. 22-22
Satoru Kondo, Takashi Yoshida, Kenichi Ohki. Mixed functional microarchitectures for orientation selectivity in the mouse primary visual cortex. Nature communications. 2016. 7. 13210-13210
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