橋野 朋子. Household WordsとAll the Year Roundにおけるディケンズと心霊主義-Dickens and Spiritualism in Household Words and All the Year Round. The Japan Branch bulletin, the Dickens Fellowship = ディケンズ・フェロウシップ日本支部年報. 2020. 43. 20-35
橋野 朋子. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine に見る1850年代の`sensation' : Wilkie Collins の Basil から The Woman in White へ. 研究論集(関西外国語大学). 2013. 97. 31-42
橋野朋子. A Consideration of the word 'sensation' in the 1850s: from Wilkie Collins' Basil to The Woman in White. Victorian Vocabularies: Refereed Proceedings of the 2012 Australasian Victorian Studies Association Conference. 2013. 203-214
橋野 朋子. 書評 Mary Elizabeth Leighton & Lisa Surridge, The Plot Thickens : Illustrated Victorian Serial Fiction from Dickens to Du Maurier. ヴィクトリア朝文化研究 = Studies in Victorian culture. 2021. 19. 262-267
橋野 朋子. 書評 Andrew Radford, Victorian sensation fiction (A reader's guide to essential criticism). The Japan Branch bulletin, the Dickens Fellowship = ディケンズ・フェロウシップ日本支部年報. 2009. 32. 39-42
A Consideration of the word 'sensation' in Wilkie Collins' Basil and The Woman in White
(2012 Australasian Victorian Studies Association Conference 2012)
1850年代に見る「センセーション小説」の萌芽:BasilからThe Woman in Whiteへー'sensation'の扱いをめぐって
(第80回日本英文学会全国大会 2008)