J-GLOBAL ID:202401019454321098   更新日: 2024年04月29日

佐藤 龍一

サトウ リュウイチ | Ryuichi Sato
職名: 特定講師
研究分野 (2件): 外国語教育 ,  英語学
研究キーワード (3件): 教育心理学 ,  応用言語学 ,  第二言語ライティング
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2023 - 2028 EMI環境における日本人大学生のアイデンティティ形成とその推移を探る探索的研究
論文 (4件):
  • Ryuichi Sato, Yutaka Fujieda. Critical Review of Studies of Engagement with Written Corrective Feedback for the Improvement of Written Accuracy. Kyoai Gakuen University Journal. 2023. 23. 1. 1-17
  • Ryuichi Sato. Written Feedback and Emotion Regulation: An Exploration of L2 Doctoral Students' Experiences. Arizona State University, Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2022
  • Naoyuki Yamada, Ryuichi Sato. Developing writing centers in Japan: The case of Hiroshima University Writing Center. Bulletin of the Faculty of Literature Kobe Women’s University. 2021. 54. 51-61
  • First Sentences and Persuasion Strategies in Argumentative Essays Written by Japanese EFL Students. 英語教育学研究. 2015. 6. 31-35
講演・口頭発表等 (8件):
  • Affective engagement with written corrective feedback: Processing of emotions and its effect on linguistic retention
    (The 19th Symposium on Second Language Writing 2023)
  • Exploring doctoral students’ emotion regulations in the context of written feedback
    (The 2022 American Association for Applied Linguistics 2022)
  • Examining L2 learners’ affective engagement with WCF
    (The 18th Symposium on Second Language Writing 2019)
  • A curriculum analysis of English writing classes in Japanese universities
    (The 58th JACET International Convention 2019)
  • Coding engagement with written corrective feedback
    (The 16th Symposium on Second Language Writing 2017)
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