J-GLOBAL ID:200901002652334424
更新日: 2025年02月03日 下川 航也
シモカワ コウヤ | Shimokawa Koya
- Masaharu Ishikawa, Thomas W. Mattman, Koya Shimokawa. Non-integral boundary slopes of alternating knots. Geometriae Dedicata. 2025
- Nicholas R Beaton, Kai Ishihara, Mahshid Atapour, Jeremy W Eng, Mariel Vazquez, Koya Shimokawa, Christine E Soteros. A first proof of knot localization for polymers in a nanochannel. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2024
- Katsumi Hagita, Takahiro Murashima, Naoki Sakata, Koya Shimokawa, Tetsuo Deguchi, Erica Uehara, Susumu Fujiwara. Molecular Dynamics of Topological Barriers on the Crystallization Behavior of Ring Polyethylene Melts with Trefoil Knots. Macromolecules. 2022. 56. 1. 15-27
- Naohiro Wakayama, Koya Shimokawa. On the Classification of Polyhedral Links. Symmetry. 2022. 14. 8. 1712--
- N. Sakata, R. Mishina, M. Ogawa, K. Ishihara, Y. Koda, M. Ozawa, K. Shimokawa. Handlebody decompositions of three-manifolds and polycontinuous patterns. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2022. 478. 2260
- Kai Ishihara, Koya Shimokawa. Graph Theoretical and Knot Theoretical Analyses of Multi-cyclic Polymers. Topological Polymer Chemistry. 2022. 9-21
- Koya Shimokawa. Alternating knots with large boundary slope diameter. Contemporary Mathematics. 2020. 760. 207-210
- Koya Shimokawa. Topology of Polymers. Springer Briefs in the Mathematics of Materials. 2019. 4
- Tomohisa Sawada, Yuuki Inomata, Koya Shimokawa, Makoto Fujita. A metal-peptide capsule by multiple ring threading. Nature Communications. 2019. 10
- Sawada Tomohisa, Saito Ami, Tamiya Kenki, Shimokawa Koya, Hisada Yutaro, Fujita Makoto. Metal--peptide rings form highly entangled topologically inequivalent frameworks with the same ring-and crossing-numbers. Nature Communications. 2019. 10. 1. 921
- Kai Ishihara, Yuya Koda, Makoto Ozawa, Koya Shimokawa. Neighborhood equivalence for multibranched surfaces in 3-manifolds. Topology and its Applications. 2019. 257. 11-21
- Beaton, N.R., Eng, J.W., Ishihara, K., Shimokawa, K., Soteros, C.E. Characterising knotting properties of polymers in nanochannels. Soft Matter. 2018. 14. 28. 5775-5785
- Robert Stolz, Masaaki Yoshida, Reuben Brasher, Michelle Flanner, Kai Ishihara, David J. Sherratt, Koya Shimokawa, Mariel Vazquez. Pathways of DNA unlinking: A story of stepwise simplification. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2017. 7. 1. 12420
- Kai Ishihara, Maxime Pouokam, Atsumi Suzuki, Robert Scharein, Mariel Vazquez, Javier Arsuaga, Koya Shimokawa. Bounds for minimum step number of knots confined to tubes in the simple cubic lattice. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL. 2017. 50. 21
- Makoto Ozawa, Koya Shimokawa. Dehn surgery and Seifert surface systems. ANNALI DELLA SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORE DI PISA-CLASSE DI SCIENZE. 2017. 17. 1. 267-276
- Dorothy Buck, Kai Ishihara, Matt Rathbun, Koya Shimokawa. Band surgeries and crossing changes between fibered links. JOURNAL OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY-SECOND SERIES. 2016. 94. 2. 557-582
- Masaharu Ishikawa, Thomas W. Mattman, Koya Shimokawa. Tangle sums and factorization of A-polynomials. NEW YORK JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. 2015. 21. 823-835
- Kai Ishihara, Koya Shimokawa, Mariel Vazquez. Site-specific recombination modeled as a band surgery: Applications to Xer recombination. Natural Computing Series. 2014. 48. 387-401
- Koya Shimokawa, Kai Ishihara, Ian Grainge, David J. Sherratt, Mariel Vazquez. FtsK-dependent XerCD-dif recombination unlinks replication catenanes in a stepwise manner. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013. 110. 52. 20906-20911
- 石川昌治, Thomas W. Mattman, 下川航也. Tangle sums, norm curves and cyclic surgeries. RIMS合宿セミナー「Representation spaces, twisted topological invariants and geometric structures of 3-manifolds」, 数理解析研究所講究録. 2013. 1836. 18-33